Yonder Data Solutions
Categories: Quantitative Fieldwork
Yonder Data Solutions is a trusted online and telephone fieldwork and data collection agency based in the UK. We are an MRS Company partner, hold the ISO20252 standard for market research services and operate our own highly respected online panel called Y Live.
We know the market research industry is suffering with data quality concerns. Not only do we put data quality and our respondents at the heart of the research process, but we blend the best of automated quality checks with manual checks carried out by our experienced team to deliver data that stands up to integrity.
We run several omnibus services via online and CATI, as well as ad-hoc UK and International work.
Visit our website for more information at yonderdatasolutions.com
We offer a 10% discount on introductory costs to ICG members on your first project with us! Or get in touch to trial our omnibus solutions and experience the quality of our data first-hand.
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Daniel Singham
Commercial Director
+44 (0) 207 253 9900

- Daniel Singham
- daniel.singham@yonderdatasolutions.com