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Paul Griffiths

Agency Growth Consultant, Client Advocates


I help owners of Market Research and Insight Agencies to grow revenues by implementing proven growth strategies.
I help Heads of Insight increase their research budgets by creating commercial strategies for insight.


I work with research and insight agencies to grow their revenues, using proven growth strategies. I help agency owners and leaders to:

1) (re)set strategy (how are you going to achieve growth);
2) refine/ define value proposition development (how can you differentiate and sell yourselves in the market);
3) improve account management (get more revenue from existing clients);
4) create and support process for lead-generation business development campaigns (win work from new clients);
5) develop marketing and brand building plans (reinforce and communicate all the above).

As a result, brand building and sales activation is more effective and agencies grow more quickly and effectively.


I really enjoy working with leaders and owners of research and insight agencies, be they large, boutique, or one-person concerns, to establish and then achieve their commercial goals. My experience is that it's hugely rewarding (for us all) and great fun (even for them!).

Outside of work, I have two teenage lads, do lots of walking, love science fiction and fantasy (both on TV and in books) and listen to music from the 70's to the 2000's (too much according to my two lads!).

