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Preriit Souda

Director: Data Science, PSA Consultants Ltd


From traditional research methods to new techniques enabled by AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Machine Learning, we use a combination of methods to unravel hidden insights in this maze of data-led world and answer difficult bespoke questions of strategic importance


In this age of data, there is big and not so big data, structured and unstructured, openly accessible and restricted aggregated among other types. Put simply, not all data is the same.

That’s where we come in.

From traditional research methods to new techniques enabled by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning, we use a combination of methods to unravel hidden insights in this maze of data led world and answer difficult bespoke questions of strategic importance.

Our offerings use advanced data science techniques like Image Mining, Text Analytics, GeoSpatial Mapping, Voice and Video Analytics, Network mapping, Metadata investigation among others on data from social and digital channels, behavioral datasets alongside traditional data sources like surveys, CRM etc; as a result clients are able to solve complex strategic problems quicker (by 30-140 days), get better answers with an even better (avg. 45%) RORI – Return on Research Investment.


Preriit Souda has 15 years of experience in advanced data analytics and strategic insights. Preriit Souda was a Director: Data Science at Kantar before starting his own company.

Preriit has helped organizations answer different strategic questions by unraveling explicit and implicit human expression through mining of social and digital data alongside other data sources like consumer surveys, IoT data, CRM data, mobile behavioral data, weather data and locational data.

He has won several awards including:
  • ESOMAR Best Paper (Global) 2017
  • ARF (Advertising Research Foundation) Rising Star Gold 2014
  • ESOMAR Young Researcher of the Year (Global) 2011
  • MRS (Market Research Society UK) Grand Prix 2016 (Project)
  • MRS New Insights Methodology 2016 (Project)
  • MRS Best Research using Social Media 2016 & 2017 (Project)
  • MRS (India) Best Analytics paper 2012
  • Movers and Shakers for Thought leadership 2018
  • GRIT Next Generation Leaders 2019
  • WPP Atticus 2015, 2016
  • IEEE US New Faces of Engineering 2012