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Saul Dobney

dobney.com market research


I work with business managers, from blue-chips to start-ups, designing and implementing research and market intelligence around identifying and modelling what customers value, willingness to pay, and sales potential.


For more than twenty years, dobney.com has been working with businesses in the UK and internationally, delivering high-quality research and intelligence to support key business decisions. Our strength is in strong technical skills, including conjoint analysis, pricing, market modelling and testing and bespoke survey software, but with a commercial edge.

We like to innovate, instead of just taking off-the-shelf solutions, to better meet our client's needs. As a result we have built up a large base of survey and insight software innovations (Cxoice Survey Technologies) which allow us to design exactly to the research requirements - web-design, e-commerce mock-ups, web-assisted telephone interviewing, interactive models, dashboards, communities, insight management. For instance, our CATI for All allows any business to set up an ad hoc telephone interviewing unit on a project-by-project basis.

We like to think we help businesses solve their difficult and interesting problems with whatever tools fit best, and don't just sell surveys by the yard.


Although the business is based in the UK, I live in Spain working for clients across the UK, Europe and the US. Trained at BMRB, I worked client-side for a computer company in Cambridge before doing an MBA in Bath. I'm a member of ESOMAR and set up the local web-developer group for the region here.

Outside work,now that I'm no longer involved in coaching volleyball, I can be found on-foot, walking and exploring, often with a camera, enjoying the geography and history from the coast to the mountains.
