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Silvia Iranzo Ferrandis

In Market Research


Your reliable Spanish partner for International research projects
Qualitative Research for multicountry international studies covering Spain nationwide
Online - Moderation - Focus Groups - In-depth Interviews - Ethnos - BBFGs - MROCs


  • Set-up & Project Management of Research in Spain
  • Selection & Booking of most suitable venues according to needs
  • Online Research, Focus Group Moderation & In-depth Interviews
  • Ethnography & Video Ethnography
  • Projective Techniques, Mystery Shopping & Desk Research
  • Translations, Reporting & Debriefing in English or Spanish

Your reliable Spanish partner for International research projects

Silvia Iranzo Ferrandis is Director and Consultant at In Market Research. Equally at ease working in English or Spanish in a variety of fields within market research such as Advertising, Consumer Goods, Tourism, IT, Finance or Medical and Pharmaceutical studies with Specialists, PCP's and patients.


Her experience in qualitative research expands across a variety of methodologies including face to face in-depth interviews, duos/triads, mini-focus groups, focus groups and observational video-ethnographic case studies.

Always searching for innovative techniques and methodologies she enthusiastically embraced online research and is considered a pioneer and early adopter of online discussion groups ODGs, bulletin board focus groups BBFGs and market research online communities MROCs in Spain.

Teacher of the course 'Online Qualitative Research from an International Perspective' conducted in Madrid and Barcelona for The Spanish Market Research association now known as Insights + Analytics Spain.

Prior to establishing In Market Research in 2008 she was working as International Research Director for a Marketing Consultancy company in Spain.

Member of ESOMAR, I+A Spain, AQR, BHBIA, QRCA and, of course, the ICG.

Bachelor's in Psychology at the University of Valencia, Spain, in Social & Organisational Psychology. Complementary education in the UK, University of Exeter, England, in Economic Psychology, Consumer & Marketing Psychology and Social Marketing.

Postgraduate Diploma in Market Research by the University of Valencia and AEDEMO Spanish Association of Market Studies, Marketing and Opinion.

In Market Research -Your reliable Spanish partner for International research projects
