
RECORDING: Knowledge Share: How to get the most out of the ICG Buddy Scheme with Buzz (Alan Bowman) and Woody (Andrew Smith)

11 Mar 2024 | Knowledge Share

The ICG’s Buddy Scheme began during the Pandemic (2020) and has attracted 135 ICG members to date, several of whom return for a new buddy again and again.

Alan Bowman (The Buzzz) and Andrew Smith (Insight Advantage) are full-on Buddy Schemers. They’ve both  signed up to all opportunities (a grand total of 11 different buddies each) and have learned a lot along the way about what makes a successful buddy-ing relationship.

Come and join them at this Knowledge Share to hear more. Even if you haven’t (yet!) joined the scheme, you’re bound to learn something about networking and human connections anyway….

(With special thanks to ICG member (and Co-Chair) Kath Rhodes for initiating the Buddy Scheme).

Alan Bowman

Founder of The Buzzz which turns 21 in March 2024! Shamelessly a #SecondAdolescent and research leader for the Gen X and Boomer generations.

Andrew Smith

Founder and Lead Research @ Insight Advantage. Working across both B2C/B2B, the business delivers quantitative & qualitative research, whilst ensuring that clients are also maximising insights from existing data sources.

Recording here 
