
RECORDING: Lunch&Learn with Prevision

13 Mar 2023 | Lunch&Learns


ICG Lunch & Learn

We welcome Trevor Wilkinson of Prevision for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work.

Please support this by attending their Lunch&Learn and hearing more.

About Prevision

Prevision Research, based in Milton Keynes, was set up in 2009 and provides the following services for ‘difficult-to-reach’ audiences:

  • Interviewer administered CATI and CAWI for quantitative research
  • Hybrid telephone and online data collection
  • Recruitment for depth interviews, focus groups, communities etc
  • Specifying and hosting surveys
  • Delivery of data tabulations to research agencies or end clients

Typical ‘difficult-to-reach’ audiences covered:

  • Tradespeople (eg, painters/decorators, electricians, plumbers, engineers, builders, roofers, carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, glaziers etc)
  • B2B decision makers
  • Vulnerable people
  • Social housing tenants
  • Restaurant owners and key workers
  • Businesses providing and consumers receiving waste collection services

Prevision was a fieldwork supplier to Purple MR for many years and when the owners wanted to retire in 2019, they invited Trevor Wilkinson and Stephen Bairfelt of Purple to become shareholders and to join the board of directors.

Why you should attend this Lunch&Learn: what will be covered

  • A brief introduction to the Prevision team, our history and how Purple MR became involved with them
  • The benefits of traditional data collection approaches for certain niche audiences
  • Two or three case studies
  • Feedback from ICG members who have recently worked with Prevision.

We believe people should attend because the session will act as a reminder as to why interviewer administered surveys still have a role, even in an environment where digital approaches dominate the research landscape.

Trevor Wilkinson

Trevor set up Purple Market Research with former ICG chairman Stephen Bairfelt in 2002.  He has over 30 years research experience.  In that time, he has worked on a wide range of assignments covering both qualitative, quantitative and secondary (desk) research methodologies.  Projects typically involve researching difficult-to-reach audiences, in particular B2B audiences.  He is formerly chairman of the B2B trade association, BIG and is currently treasurer.  He is a fellow of the Market Research Society and is a director of Prevision Research.

