
RECORDING: Lunch&Learn with Sample Answers

21 Mar 2023 | Lunch&Learns

We welcome Martin Cawley of Sample Answers for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work.

Please support this by attending their Lunch&Learn and hearing more.

About Sample Answers

Founded in 1995 by market researchers to serve the research industry.  We are known for providing both business and consumer samples for CATI and online methodologies.  As the industry has evolved so have we, branching out most recently into qual research services.

What will you learn at the Lunch&Learn?

We will be talking about the benefits of our nVision service, designed specifically for online qual.  We will show you how you can save time and energy managing the qualitative interviewing process and ease the burden on respondents; be it focus groups or in-depth interviews.

Martin Cawley

Martin has worked in market research since 2000, initially with Sample Answers before holding various roles at SSI and then spending a few years with Canadean and Opinium.  He has been with Sample Answers again




