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REMIT (REsearch & Marketing InTelligence)


• Full service research
• Interim research management
• Freelance research resource
• Best Practice consultancy/mentoring
• KPI Programmes: Brand Metrics & NPS
• Insights, analysis & reporting



• Media, Advertising & Communications
• Brand Image, Brand Metrics & NPS
• Retail
• Publishing
• Sponsorship & Promotions
• Social Research
• Research in Developing & Emerging Markets


My experience embraces all primary quantitative & qualitative research techniques across a wide array of market sectors, audiences (B2C & B2B), and research disciplines, including consumer/fmcg NPD, publishing, communications, advertising & media research, brand strategy/brand image, sponsorship & promotions, website development & evaluation, customer satisfaction, social research in developing & emerging markets, retail research, and financial services research.

13 years agency experience:  Research International (UK & East Africa), Market Trends (TNS), Asia Market Intelligence (Synovate)
9 years clientside:  Thomson Regional Newspapers, Reader's Digest UK, Shell International, LV=
10+ years consultancy: clients in the pharmaceutical, oil & gas (retail & brands) & financial services sectors, plus agency support services
My key focus is to make research data meaningful & actionable.

Specialist areas: Media & Publishing, Advertising & Communications, Brand Metrics and NPS.        

Architect of 'best practice' research programmes and management of their global implementation (Brand, Advertising, & CSAT)

Management reporting & KPI Dashboards

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