Primary research, qual & quant, using DIY & Self-serve research tools and platforms. We can do almost any methodology including quant methods like Choice Based Conjoint, Max Diff, TURF, Segmentation, Volumetric, etc. We mainly work on international multi-market projects. All digital qual methods also undertaken. We work with many DIY/ Self-serve platforms e.g Qualtrics, Zappi, Google Consumer Surveys, Survey Gizmo, Discuss.IO etc. We can help with any element of DIY/ Self-serve research including translations, set-up, scripting, sample, analysis, reporting and presentations. By using the right platform for the research objectives we deliver unbelievably good value for our clients, whilst being quick and high quality.
We specialise in conducting primary market research using DIY/ Self-serve Research tools, delivering unprecedented value to our clients. We work with Qualitrics/ Zappi/ Google Consumer Surveys/ Survey Gizmo/ Discuss.IO etc.
We have over 20 years MR experience, over 10 years consulting with many great companies working on many brands, Companies include: GSK, Nestle, Reckitt Benckiser, PepsiCo, Mars & Nokia. Extensive agency side experience at GfK, TNS, Future Thinking, 2CV