I love all things qual, having built my freelance career by immersing myself in all forms of qualitative methodologies and analysis techniques. I research all sectors, including retail, media, FMCG, transport and sustainability, and have a PhD plus agency experience.
I specialise in qualitative research methods and analysis. I work on end-to-end projects, and also frequently hop on projects as and when needed. Be it a screener, discussion guide, moderation, analysis and/ or report writing, I love being involved in the research process. This is why I have called my website All Things Qual: I seek out exciting new qual methodologies where they arise, but also have extensive experience in traditional methodologies.
I have a MSc in Psychology of Advertising, and a PhD that involved analysing 14 years worth of qual video footage. I also have agency experience across the UK, meaning I can bring a unique approach to my work as I bring everything I've learnt from my less-than linear path to where I am now!
Over my 3 years freelancing I have built fantastic relationships with my clients, typically working with other researchers and insight experts.
Qual research aligns uncannily with my personality, to the point that the first time I ever asked what the difference was between qual and quant at university, a fellow student looked me up and down and confidently said 'well, you're a quallie'. I'm curious, chatty and love meeting new people. I also love to ponder over the different contextual aspects that can lead to a behaviour or attitude, and have a phone full of research musings. I often accidentally find myself moderating a conversation in a spare time, or taking pictures of some stand out POS on the weekend!
I've always been a bit of a nomad, and continue to love travel despite being more settled in Nottingham now with my partner and our pet gerbils. We spent a portion of 2022 travelling and working overseas (I strongly recommend Portugal and Belgium!) and this ability to combine my love for travel and work has been wonderful.
I adore hiking, strength training and being outdoors. I always like to have an adventure to look forward to or I get cabin fever! But, I'm also increasingly aware of the importance of family, and work hard to visit home whenever I can.