JEM 9 - Helping you understand and reach B2B technology customers internationally
On the basis of a partnership built on trust, Jane Morgan at JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy works with you over several months to improve your organization’s ability to better understand and reach customers. A key focus is on developing a customer-centric mindset across your organization. Projects range from discrete market research projects, such as customer journey mapping, to organizational strategy development such as scoping a new market or business model.
At JEM 9 Jane’s clients are all in the technology sector and all business-to-business. Clients are from across the tech stack – from industrial component design, to middle-ware integrators, to delivering on-premise and SaaS software, sometimes with wrap around IT services.
Get professional advice and practical assistance with Jane’s 30+ years of B2B international technology marketing management experience.
Jane Morgan is resourceful, passionate and organized: a business professional with 30+ years industrial technology experience and deep skills in; market research, product development and strategy development with formal qualifications in systems thinking, social change, business, and psychology. Jane is alumni of the Center for Creative Leadership Brussels and North Carolina USA, and of Centre for Quality Management, Boston.
Jane learnt her trade at a NASDAQ technology market leader working internationally with roles in product strategy and development, marketing, sales, customer service and finance. She has extensive international experience having lived and worked in both United States, Germany and Ireland, and with global teams from Boston to Billund, Paris to Providence, and Berlin to Bengaluru.