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Independent Statistical Consulting and Training


I am an expert Statistical and Data Analytics Consultant with 28 years' experience running Advanced Methods across a broad range of sectors within the Market Research and Consulting sectors.

Whether you need a respected industry expert to handle complex Data Analytics or just want some advice and expertise to help your team navigate a challenging project, I’m here to help.  You will find me to be an enthusiastic partner and collaborator.

My expertise includes Segmentations, MaxDiff, TURF, Key Drivers, Conjoint, Survey Design and many other advanced techniques.

I also provide tailored training on topics such as Sampling, Weighting, Questionnaire Design, Statistics and Advanced Statistical Methods, tailored to suit your specific needs.  My passion is demystifying statistics to as wide an audience as possible.

I explain technical solutions in Plain English, making analytics accessible and jargon-free.  You will also find me calm, patient and easy to work with.


I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the biggest agencies in the industry including Ipsos, Research International, GfK, and Yonder Consulting (formerly Populus).

Since 2008, I’ve also shared my expertise with undergraduates at the London School of Economics, teaching Market Research Methods with a focus on Statistical Applications. Additionally, I tutor international students at the University of London’s Coursera programme, Statistics for Computer Science.

For the Market Research Society, I’m an official trainer for both syndicated and bespoke training courses. I also serve on the Market Research Standards Board, ensuring best practices in the industry.

Additionally, I am Vice-Chair of the Royal Statistical Society Social Sciences Committee and a reviewer for the International Journal of Market Research and the Applied Marketing Analytics Journal.

Outside of work, I live in Harrow where I am most likely to be found with a cup of coffee trying to solve Logic puzzles. I have an increasingly grumpy black Labrador, whom I use as an excuse to escape from the house from time to time.



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