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ThinkVivid . Qualitative research and workshop facilitation specialising in ethical patient research; education sector; not for profit/charities. Skilled stakeholder interviewer and social researcher with a strategic planning background and experience as a charity sector trustee. Insight and actionable findings guaranteed.


  • Public sector, education, patient and charity/not for profit  research projects
  • Qualitative research (F2F; telephone; online), and strategic planning
  • Brand development; brand positioning and behaviour change insight
  • Brainstorming/strategy days/partner collaborative workshops and facilitation
  • Experienced governor/trustee with extensive knowledge of policy
  • Training as a counsellor ensures we can handle sensitive subjects and audiences ethically and with care
  • A strong combination of skills and range of trusted associates ensure projects are in safe hands and delivered on time with actionable findings  underpinned by our credibility and authority as researchers.