
ICG Wellbeing Check Ins … some suggested resources

10 May 2024 | ICG News & Announcements

Since the launch of our monthly informal ‘Zoom watercooler’ get togethers in December we’ve mulled over some challenges, swapped some very useful tips and benefitted from some practical and funny conversations.  There is no agenda for these sessions, it’s a free space to discuss whatever’s on the minds of those ICG members present.  So far we’ve talked about:

  • how necessary and nice a quick chat with another adult is in the working day
  • staying in touch with clients and colleagues and worries about not having enough work coming in
  • AI and the opportunities as well as threats it brings
  • frustrations when elements of the business process are outside our control, whether that’s paying participants on time or expectations of turn-around time

Interestingly AURA have acknowledged the need for clear guidance on best practice working between clients and research agencies. They say “we believe that the way clients and research agencies work together can make a real difference to people’s confidence and well-being”.   They’ve produced an “AURA Working Well Together Charter” and have committed to a set of standards they will live up to when you work with them.

You can find the Charter here

We’ve also produced a pdf with live links to some brilliant content and tools – you can access it here or click below.

ICG Wellbeing Check FINAL
