Bad Data Causes Bad Decisions: How to solve the problem of data quality in your online research

Online sampling has revolutionized research, with more companies than ever turning to online methods of data collection to accelerate their research and consumer insights. However, with this explosion in the amount of research being conducted online have come significant concerns over the quality of data that can be collected using online samples. In this webinar […]


Lunch&Learn with Caplena 

FREE We welcome Caplena for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work.   Caplena uses Augmented Intelligence to drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to analyze large amounts of free text from reviews, or responses to open-ended questions. Within minutes Caplena […]


Pensions 101

Pensions 101 with Claire Labrum, Strictly Financial - Thurs 15 Sept, 11am Generously sponsored by Teneo Translations This session is designed to be a layperson’s overview of how pensions work – and how they compare to other investments.  It will cover the basics of pensions (what they are and what they are not), how they are treated for tax […]


Lunch&Learn with Prolific

FREE We welcome Prolific for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work. Prolific is an online marketplace built by and for researchers, that connects researchers with engaged, active, and trustworthy participants all over the world. Unlike traditional panel companies, Prolific has a […]

Lunch&Learn With incling


Come and hear Nick Campbell, Associate Commercial Director of incling,  talk about how the online platform incling can help your research process, how to use it, and more about the fantastic benefit incling are exclusively offering ICG members:  10% discount on platform hire to ICG members who run their first project with us  a free […]


Applications of Behavioural Science to Quantitative Market Research

Online - GoToWebinar

This webinar is generously sponsored by MIS Group  Over the past decade or more, many market research agencies and their clients have been influenced by findings from behavioural science. In particular, some agencies have incorporated insights and approaches from behavioural science into their qualitative research offer. However, while some have also had similar success in […]


Making the Most of PowerPoint: Training with Rachel Crew of FROG

We are excited to have Rachel Crew of FROG run an exclusive ICG Training Session on Tuesday 18th October from 1:30 - 2:30pm BST In the one hour interactive webinar, Rachel will share some top tips for using PowerPoint more effectively, including how to: Format slides quickly and correctly Create your own Master design, as […]


Get Off the Feast & Famine Rollercoaster!

Online - GoToWebinar

How often do you find yourself riding the feast and famine rollercoaster? Working and busy one month, but with no work to keep you busy the next month. Time to do more marketing when you’re not busy – and then no time to keep in touch with prospects when you’re busy with clients. Sound familiar? […]


Five hints and hacks to help your business grow more effectively

This webinar is generously sponsored by Perspective Research Services  Growing your own business is tough, especially if you are also the person that delivers everything you sell. Designing and delivering projects and also being responsible for marketing your business and winning work from new or existing clients can be a challenge. In this webinar, ICG […]


Micro-business, macro impact: Gaining a competitive edge through sustainability

Online - GoToWebinar

This webinar is generously sponsored by Podengo This webinar by sustainability experts MyCarbon will cover: -The real impact micro-businesses have on the environment -Potential reduction strategies in research projects -The future of sustainability and how it will affect your work -What you need to do to gain a competitive edge. Speakers: Dr Toby Green (Director […]
