The pandemic’s silver linings for the world of work.

ICG’s Karen Cooper asked colleagues and clients to muse on the potential benefits brought about via COVID-19 and shares their thoughts here. “It’s 2030 and the focus group moderator (let’s be optimistic, right fellow quallies?) asks ‘What words come to...

Why is cultural insight important in shaping research projects?

Felicia Schwarz is scheduled to share her experience of the crossover between cultural insights and market research in an upcoming webinar.  Here she gives us some background on how she came to feel that we all need to think more about integrating...

May The (Five) Force(s) Be With You…

As it’s May the 4th we thought we’d share ICG member Nick Bonney’s pitch to reconsider Michael Porter’s model in analysing your brand and its category. “Ritson recently went on another of his superb rants last week about the trend for...

The Cognitive Biases That Doomed The European Super League Plan

ICG’s Simon Riley uses cognitive bias theory to identify the “what just happened?” in the recent hard-to-miss launch and un-launch of the ESL. He writes: “The birth and death of the European Super League plan has many of us scratching our...

Free software for Research & Analytics

ICG member Mike Stevens has devloped a free ebook which has details of around 100 free research tools. Mike has researched, and collated details on, free software tools for market researchers – covering user research, customer experience feedback, AB testing,...

Running online workshops effectively – some practical advice

Jill Elston has summarised the advice she was given by the ICG Hive when exploring how to run effective remote online workshops. A few weeks ago I asked the egroup for ideas/input into running online workshops and promised to share the results. I have been feeling...