Who is The Conscious Consumer?

Recently ICG member Alex Clark was invited to show an insight film she has made about ’The Conscious Consumer’ at a climate action festival (opened by HRH Prince of Wales). The festival included speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds – from famers to...

How to make better decisions

ICG member Toby Collins provides an action plan to minimise biases in our everyday lives in order to make better decisions. Toby writes … A couple of weeks ago I posted a graphic (from the Visual Capitalist) showing 50 of the most common cognitive biases. Some...

Disability Etiquette – Engaging With People With Hidden Disabilities

Evenbreak, a social enterprise job board dedicated to matching disabled people with inclusive employers, discusses a few hidden disabilities and the things we should consider when working/engaging with people who don’t look or seem disabled, but are. This is one of a...