
Competitive Intelligence

20 Mar 2014 | Webinars

Across the world and in all industries, clients are moving beyond primary Market Research for decision-making in favour of using the wide range of sources and analytical tools that comprise Competitive Intelligence.

Market Research teams are becoming Competitive (or Market) Intelligence teams – with a different outlook and a different skill set from the traditional Research Manager.

Market Research is still a vital input for strategic and tactical decisions – but it is one of many, and not always the most important one.

  • So what does a Competitive Intelligence function actually do?
  • How do Market Research professionals need to adapt in order to contribute effectively to their clients’ new way of thinking?
  • Can you – should you – try to become a CI professional; or does the pure Market Researcher still have a place?

Nadia Smulian has been a Competitive Intelligence professional for over 20 years, creating and leading respected CI teams at Smiths Medical and the Shell Group before becoming a freelance consultant and trainer.

Irene De Lorenzis is Senior Business Development Manager at Global Intelligence Alliance, a global leader in providing guidance on CI Best Practice, CI software tools and strategic analysis.

They will help you to understand what CI is, who does it, why, and how – and how you can become more Intelligent in your offer to clients.

Nadia Smulian

Irene De Lorenzis
