This digital marketing workshop is all about how to utilise the internet effectively for your business. This digital marketing training will help you identify the best digital strategies for your business and give you a strong foundation on how to maximise each digital channel. We will cover all the key areas of digital marketing and help you put together your own digital marketing strategy that matches your business and your customer. We will also share with you our favourite tools to make managing your digital marketing much easier.
ICG members may be interested in joining some of these forthcoming events from the School of Marketing run by Julie Hall.
About Julie Hall
Julie Hall is the founder of The School of Marketing ( and has taught over 5000 businesses how to use digital marketing to grow their business. She is currently the lead trainer for the Google Digital Garage and responsible for training their trainers across the UK. Prior to launching the school of marketing Julie was the founder of a boutique web design agency which she ran for 12 years and a business community with over 20,000 members.