
ICG in Oxfordshire

26 Jun 2018 | ICG News & Announcements

ICG in Oxfordshire

We like to live the good life in Oxfordshire: and here we are in our natural milieu, a Costa off the A34 near Didcot.  Actually it was a very pleasant Costa and pleasanter still for the company of ICGers.

The line-up is, left to right: Peter Lovett, Louise Wheeler, Simon Riley, Jane Woolley, Weina Jiang. 

The get-together was ostensibly to welcome Weina into the ICG fold; this was my first Oxfordshire meet-up too, after eight years as a member (!). First of many for both of us, I’m sure.

Great to meet familiar names I hadn’t met in person and get to catch up with those I had, over immense bowls of coffee.  Chat ranged from GDPR (mercifully, only fleetingly) to mystery shopping to the many interconnections it turns out we have.

Listening to some of the career and personal histories, it reminded me what a repository of resilient and adaptable people the ICG is.  We also talked quite a lot about stuff that has nothing to do with research at all, which dare I say it always make the most interesting conversations.

All in all a really enjoyable morning, neath the shade of the cooling towers.  Looking forward to meeting even more of our scattered Oxfordshire tribe at the next one.

Simon Riley, Shore.


