
ICG Summer Party was a blast!

11 Jul 2018 | ICG News & Announcements

ICG Summer Party was a blast!

The annual ICG summer party was held on the 5th July at the  characterful Hush Mayfair.  New member Laura Parker sums up the evening…

Having been enthusiastically persuaded to sign up to ICG by its long-term advocate Andrew Smith, I was then immediately also persuaded to go to the summer event knowing no one but Andrew.  However, he gave firm assurances that I would meet interesting new people as well as some old familiar faces and he was not wrong.

I was really pleased to find that on arrival we were given not just large glasses of wine but the always-useful name tags.  I was also able to scan the list of who was attending (why do so few events allow for this)?  I found several ex-cronies from my TN days back in the early nineties, and it was a real pleasure to understand how their careers have developed over the years.

I also met new people and discussed topics ranging from shopping trolley tracking to digital nomads.  It was also very useful to speak to fieldwork suppliers, as I make my first tentative foray back into running my own qual, after 12 years on the softer client side.

I was struck by how friendly and welcoming everyone was, and the power of having a collective shared experience and passion for Insight/Research.

It was a delightfully elegant but simple evening, with my favourite place being by the open window and in arm’s length of  the travelling canapes.

What is the date of the Christmas do?

Laura Parker
