
If mushrooms can grow from s**t, so can your insights!

30 Jan 2024 | Research & Business Knowledge

In the first episode of The Bento Club podcast, Giulia Romanò of Field Notes and Jess Jorgensen of Running with Mushrooms, (both ICG members as well), talk about what market research can learn from mushrooms and mycology. They share 3 lessons from fungi that can inspire better insights in global market research — from how to tackle polarising topics at the intersection of legal and illegal to embracing the fact that insights must sometimes grow from s**t. Expect a chuckle or 3 to add a shine to your day!

During each episode, The Bento Club will connect with the brightest and most interesting minds in the market research and tech industry, getting their top three tips, and delivering a collection of easily digestible, interesting, fun, bite-sized nuggets of wisdom over time — a real feast for your intellectual appetite 😂 🍱

The episode is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music
