
MRS current advice on working with Russia

23 Aug 2023 | ICG News & Announcements, Official ICG Materials

There are currently no restrictions on research being undertaken in Russia but the sanctions do apply to other advertising and communication activities.

However, you will need to take into account the MRS Code of Conduct (which all ICG members abide by as a condition of membership) and general Code rules on business and professional ethics should be borne in mind:

  • Rule 5: Members must take reasonable action to avoid conflicts of interest with clients or employers and must make prior voluntary and full disclosure to all parties that might give rise to such conflict.
  • Rule 6. Members must act honestly in their professional activities.
  • Rule 7. Members must take reasonable action to ensure that others do not breach or cause a breach of this Code.
  • Rule 8. Members must not act in a way which might bring discredit on the profession, MRS or its Members.
  • Rule 9. Members must take all reasonable precautions to ensure that participants are not harmed or adversely affected by their professional activities and ensure that there are measures in place to guard against potential harm.

There are also restrictions on Russian citizens engaging with Western businesses and sharing any insights which might damage Russian security and safety.  Some research activities could fall under these restrictions and should only be undertaken if participants will not be harmed or adversely affected as a result of taking part.

Please do consider carefully the MRS information, and think carefully before embarking on research in this market.

Further Information

