
Professionalisation of QR Report

03 Mar 2015 | ICG News & Announcements

Professionalisation of QR Report

Michael Herbert, on behalf of the Professionalisation of QR Steering Group, says:

"The report is a result of the Vision Consultation during July – September last year, which was kicked off so memorably by Wendy Gordon and Roy Langmaid with the Vision Day and followed up by the online forum run by Andy Bloor and his team at Firefish

Things are moving on with the development of the Professional Qualification for QR as a result of our endeavours on the Steering Group.

We are now beginning the development of a Professional Qualification and career path for Qualitative Researchers on an industry wide basis with the support and involvement of the AQR, MRS, ESOMAR, AURA and the SRA.

Debrah Harding, Managing Director of the MRS, has been a great help and the MRS is giving their full support towards developing a qualification with the aim of it being the global standard for Qualitative Research.

There’s lots of work to be done to achieve this and we will keep you updated as it progresses."
