
The ICG’s London Christmas Get-Together Dec 2022

05 Dec 2022 | ICG News & Announcements

The 1st December isn’t too early to start the Christmas festivities, right?

About 20 of our members agreed and got together in Cote, St Martin’s Lane London, for a delicious 3-course festive meal, alongside plenty of catching up with known acquaintances, and making of new ones.

The vibe was jolly, the feedback was positive, and all-in-all, it was fantastic to be back face-to-face together after the pandemic.

To introduce myself I work for Opinions LTD who provide fieldwork in the USA and Germany. I very much enjoyed the ICG lunch yesterday. It gave me an opportunity to meet face to face with several people with whom I had only had virtual contact with in the pandemic. The range of people was wide from sample providers to tech companies, to China specialists and of course included moderators.  It was interesting to discuss a wide range of issues relating to research and many other topics. We went to Cote, a nice restaurant in London’s theatre district, and considering the location I found it value for money. Indeed, there were several work Christmas lunches going on at the same time.  It was also nice to meet some new contacts and an excellent networking opportunity. This was facilitated by the organisers asking us to move around the table. All in all, an enjoyable and useful event. Thank you to Lucie for organising this. (Jonathan Sheldrake)

Great lunch today in central London.  Lovely to catch up with so many people (Stephen Bairfelt)

