All too often in the market research industry, interpreting is an underused and undervalued tool in the market research tool box, being seen as just a bridge to cover the language gap. The process of finding and briefing an interpreters is also often patchy.
It can – and should be – a whole lot more than this. Using the right interpreters in the right way can add significantly to your project.
In this webinar, ICG member Iris Griffiths, a qualitative market research consultant, experienced conference interpreter and translator and a teacher of interpreting and translation modules for universities and courses, will take us through;
She will also talk about Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) and the changes in the interpreting industry which can be a benefit or a threat for market research projects. What are the advantages/disadvantages of having an interpreter “live” at a viewing facility vs. working remotely? There are many RSI platforms in the market that will enable researchers to get a bit more control of how they work with interpreters in the project.