Knowledge Share: Thriving in the health and wellness industry: Key trends and success stories

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  This Knowledge Share has been generously sponsored by E-Tabs, bringing cutting edge automated charting for your projects in PowerPoint & Google Slides Welcoming ICG member Abbey Teunis, Embark Insight Ltd for this Knowledge Share: Thriving in the health and wellness industry: Key trends and success stories In the session, Abbey will cover: Impact of […]


Knowledge Share: How to create highly visual and engaging research outputs

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This Knowledge Share has been generously sponsored by E-Tabs, bringing cutting edge automated charting for your projects in PowerPoint & Google Slides This Knowledge Share will be presented by ICG member Barry Clark, Related Stories.  There is a growing client requirement for "highly visual and engaging" outputs to research projects.  Related Stories addresses this need […]


Lunch&Learn with Norstat (Norstat Express and TestingTime)

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We welcome Norstat for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work. Norstat  is the leading data collector for market research in Europe. User and market research projects are typically conducted during several weeks. Often important decisions have to be made in days […]

Semiotics to the Rescue: Brand Problems Crying out for a Semiotic Solution

Semiotics is fundamentally communication problem solving…Chris Arning who has been practising semiotics now for over 20 years spills the beans on the core brand problems semiotics tends to be brought in to solve and what insights semiotics brings to the table to solve them. He will show the different types of semiotics projects he has […]

Everything you need to know about the Award for Independent Consultants

Come and join us to hear more about this MRS/ICG and what you need to do to submit a winning entry. Ask us any question - no obligation to submit anything! Use this opportunity to hear about previous Finalists' entries and how the Award has benefited their businesses. Deadline for submitting entries is early July. […]

Lunch&Learn with QuestionPro (and 56 Degree Insight)

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In this lunch & learn session hosted by QuestionPro UK Managing Director Aseem Badshah, we’ll be joined by Jim Eccleston and Duncan Stewart, Managing Partners at 56 Degree Insight from Edinburgh. Discover how independent consultancies/agencies should approach thinking about investing in a research tech stack to help power their business. Since Covid there’s been a […]


Knowledge Share: Understanding more about Linktree

This Knowledge Share has been generously sponsored by E-Tabs, bringing cutting edge automated charting for your projects in PowerPoint & Google Slides This Knowledge Share will be presented by ICG member Alexander Tan, AT Research. We all need to market our businesses, right? In this knowledge share Alex  will talk about his experience of using […]


Disability: Breaking down the barriers

This webinar is generously sponsored by McGowan Transcriptions, specialists in Market Research multiple voice transcription since 1993.   We're pleased to have ICG member Steven Lacey, The Outsiders, talk to us about his experiences and knowledge. Steven Lacey is an ex-strategist and award-winning qualitative researcher. He runs The Outsiders, which conducts lots of research in […]

To AI or not to AI. Is this the question?

This webinar has been generously sponsored by Qualzy, an innovative web-based platform for Qualitative Researchers to create and manage short-term and long-term communities, diary studies,  video projects and more. It's complete with state-of-the-art AI powered tools, outstanding support, and cost-effective pricing. In this webinar, Phil Barden and Dr Dirk Held will be talking to us […]

Knowledge Share: Desk Research Uncovered – practical tips for market research professionals

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This session has been sponsored by E-tabs, bringing cutting edge automated charting for your projects in PowerPoint & Google Slides In this session, ICG member Fiona Silver, Silver Research Services,  talks to us about Desk Research. Specifically, she'll cover: Desk research - The Basics. What it is and when and why you should use it […]


How do qual researchers feel about generative AI?

This webinar has been generously sponsored by Qualzy This session is for people who want to know how qual researchers feel towards Generative AI. It will be run by ICG member Tom Woodnutt, Feeling Mutual Ltd. The session is based on the results from an international industry survey and qualitative research discussion from February 2023, […]


Lunch&Learn: Optimizing Qualitative Research: Exploring the AI-Driven Capabilities of Qualzy

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Join this Lunch&Learn for an insightful exploration of the Qualzy platform's brand-new AI-based features and their applications in qualitative research projects. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of generative AI on planning, design, moderation, engagement, analysis, and reporting, offering a fresh perspective on enhancing research efficiency and effectiveness.   REGISTER FOR […]
