Warming up participants in a Zoom discussion

When you start strong everything else flows better… ICG committee member Kath Rhodes of Qual Street has put together a very practical and helpful ‘top tips’ list for setting up a Zoom discussion to be as easy and flowing as possible. “At QS, we’ve...

Curious Strategies For Driving Growth Mindsets – RECORDING

Employee engagement, productivity and company culture have taken a pounding during the pandemic. There are calls to redefine success. It’s uncomfortable challenging ourselves and growing as leaders. In this lunchtime session, Jane Hales from Sapio Research  shared...

Free images – and the rules for using images from the Internet safely

Many people think that because a photo or image has been published on the Internet then they are free to use it however they wish.  This is not true, and you need to be very careful when selecting images for your own website, materials or presentations. Copyright is a...

Building Resilience and Goal Setting – RECORDING

Jill Fitzgibbon, The Life Force Coach, took us through some Coaching techniques to help us with our goals. It was a fascinating session. Recording is here. The session was generously sponsored by Perspective Research Services Contact Jill for details about her...

Infographic resources

A useful link to infographic template resources Presentation Go – a wide range of free templates and slides If you have any more suggestions or resources, please post them here or send them to editor@theicg.co.uk