RECORDING: The 5 Ways To Grow Your Business’s Profits

This webinar has been generously sponsored by Perspective Research Services. Many business owners work hard to improve their profits but miss an opportunity to make significant gains to the bottom line by leveraging 5 often overlooked inputs; the ‘5 Ways’. This simple...

RECORDING: Designing and Delivering Hybrid Events

This webinar provides some ‘frames’ for tackling the complexity of hybrid (both face to face and online) events, including a glimpse of our approach to designing and facilitating hybrid events  negotiating with clients  designing for engagement Insights from case...

RECORDING OF: How do qual researchers feel about generative AI?

This webinar has been generously sponsored by Qualzy This session is for people who want to know how qual researchers feel towards Generative AI. It will be run by ICG member Tom Woodnutt, Feeling Mutual Ltd. The session is based on the results from an international...

RECORDING: To AI or not to AI: Is this the question?

This webinar has been generously sponsored by Qualzy, an innovative web-based platform for Qualitative Researchers to create and manage short-term and long-term communities, diary studies,  video projects and more. It’s complete with state-of-the-art AI powered...

RECORDING: Disability: Breaking down the barriers

This webinar is generously sponsored by McGowan Transcriptions, specialists in Market Research multiple voice transcription since 1993.   We’re pleased to have ICG member Steven Lacey, The Outsiders, talk to us about his experiences and knowledge. Steven...