RECORDING: Everything you wanted to know about Marketing

Everything you wanted to know about Marketing (but were afraid to ask). A Q&A with two Marketeers (who are not afraid to answer) This webinar has been generously sponsored by Teneo Translations Teneo Presentation – The ICG July 2024 Join this Q&A style webinar...

RECORDING: Get off the Feast & Famine Rollercoaster!

How often do you find yourself riding the feast and famine rollercoaster? Working and busy one month, but with no work to keep you busy the next month. Time to do more marketing when you’re not busy – and then no time to keep in touch with prospects when you’re busy...

Using behavioural science to turn shoppers into buyers

ICG member Iona Carter examines how people shop and what retailers can do to influence them. The Nobel Laureate psychologist, Daniel Kahneman, famously said that “thinking is to humans like swimming is to cats… they can do it, but they’d prefer not to”.  And this...