ICG member Kath Rhodes and her business partner Ambreen Aziz, present the website of their 2017 self-funded project which involved 1000s of hours spent exploring a year in the life of 9 mums who were just about managing with money

Where to start? You know when you do something you’ve always wanted to do? And it turns out to be harder than expected, worse than expected and better than expected all at the same time?
In 2017 I scratched an itch.
Ambreen Aziz and I undertook a self-funded project exploring the lives of 9 mums for a whole year. REAL QUAL.
The dream had been to ‘go deep’ and properly spend time with our participants to really understand what their life was like. We set up an on-line community. We interviewed them at home, we went shopping with them. We phoned them. We did a photo shoot. We had a party. They sent us videos, avoided doing the tasks we set them. We nagged them. We spent 1000s of hours on this project.
It was overwhelming. So much data! No specific objectives…
Anyway: at long-bloody-last we’ve got the website together: https://yearinthelife.uk/…
We want to share the profound insights we took from this project… FOR FREE because we think businesses should know this stuff. We can help you think deeper, more creatively, we can show you the benefits of slow research.
Oh and the biggest shout out to Amber. 2017 was a big year. It was hard, it wasn’t commercial, but it made us better researchers and better people…