Insights Assemble! Showcasing Survey Superpowers – ASC Conference

ASC Conference - Insights Assemble! Showcasing Survey Superpowers. - ASC Conference On Thursday May 19th, The Association of Survey Computing (ASC) will be welcoming some of the world’s greatest minds to Showcase the Superpower of Surveys! ASC Committee member James (JT) Turner will host inspiring speakers including ESOMAR President Kristin Luck, MRS CEO Jane Frost, […]

Consumer Neuroscience for Market Research

Applied Consumer Neuroscience (ACN) uses neuroscience to help companies gain insight into the behaviour and experience of their customers. In this webinar, Daniel C. Richardson, Professor of Experimental Psychology at University College London, will give an overview of the contemporary use - and misuse - of neuroscience methods and ideas,  describe the different ways that […]


Exploring Conjoint Analysis

Online - GoToWebinar

This webinar is generously sponsored by MIS Group Conjoint Analysis: What is it? How does it work? What does it tell you? This is a hands on session run by ICG member Saul Dobney on how conjoint analysis uses attributes and levels to define virtual products and services, how these are tested in choice-tasks with […]


Lunch&Learn with ASI (Advanced Symbolics Inc)

Online - GoToWebinar

FREE We welcome Advanced Symbolics Inc. (ASI) for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work. Advanced Symbolics Inc. (ASI) is an AI-based market research company that has seen great success using social media services for public opinion research. They have developed the first […]

Writing For Impact

Online - GoToWebinar

This webinar is generously sponsored by Ivy Exec Do you find writing hard? Sometimes sit and stare at the blank page? Know you should be writing more but don't know where to start? In this introductory course you will: Learn how to write compelling and entertaining opinion pieces, thought leadership, social media and articles that […]

Using Anthropology in Market Research

Online - GoToWebinar

Using Anthropology in Market Research with Dr Jonathan Newman, Deep Research - Thurs 25 Aug Generously sponsored by Indiefield  Anthropology helps understand how different people know the world in different ways and how they make meaning and act in accordance with their visions of where they are. For market researchers, such knowledge is invaluable because it takes us […]


Bad Data Causes Bad Decisions: How to solve the problem of data quality in your online research

Online sampling has revolutionized research, with more companies than ever turning to online methods of data collection to accelerate their research and consumer insights. However, with this explosion in the amount of research being conducted online have come significant concerns over the quality of data that can be collected using online samples. In this webinar […]


Lunch&Learn with Caplena 

FREE We welcome Caplena for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work.   Caplena uses Augmented Intelligence to drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to analyze large amounts of free text from reviews, or responses to open-ended questions. Within minutes Caplena […]


Pensions 101

Pensions 101 with Claire Labrum, Strictly Financial - Thurs 15 Sept, 11am Generously sponsored by Teneo Translations This session is designed to be a layperson’s overview of how pensions work – and how they compare to other investments.  It will cover the basics of pensions (what they are and what they are not), how they are treated for tax […]


Lunch&Learn with Prolific

FREE We welcome Prolific for this Lunch&Learn, a half-hour lunchtime slot where members can informally hear about how organisations can help them in their work. Prolific is an online marketplace built by and for researchers, that connects researchers with engaged, active, and trustworthy participants all over the world. Unlike traditional panel companies, Prolific has a […]
