RECORDING: UX 101: Unravelling The Mysteries Of UX

This webinar was generously sponsored by Qualzy Join ICG member, Claire Salkeld, Hummingbird Insights Ltd, for this important webinar covering; UX is a growing discipline, but what is UX?Why is it important? And how is it different to MR?Why is research such a...

RECORDING: De-Mystifying COM-B And How It Can Be Used In Research

This webinar is generously sponsored by Perspective Research Services  Following on from an ICG members’ egroup discussion, we’re delighted that ICG member Elina Halonen, Square Peg Insight, will take us through what this model of behaviour is, how it...

RECORDING: How To Make Networking Work For You (On And Offline)

This webinar is generously sponsored by Perspective Research Services  In this interactive webinar, ICG member Deanne Gold, iPoint Market Research, who successfully networks herself and has presented several talks on the subject, will talk us through what it...